Radical Changes

It’s been a very long moment since my last entry here on WordPress. A LOT has changed since the last equinox, March 2021. Now we’re into the autumn equinox, and I’ve been in a state of stillness and in review-mode. I’ve been wanting to get back to this blog, but it hasn’t felt essential, and I haven’t felt particularly inspired to share much. (The same goes for the other ‘social’ accounts…band and personal). We packed up our life in New Orleans and moved cross country! That pretty much has been the primary focus of life for the last 6-8 months…packing/searching/purging, then unpacking, repairing, pondering and hibernating in a certain way. Not to mention the covid factors keeping us in a very internal kind of vibe.

This morning, I was listening to the Morgan Harper Nichols podcast…I love her art, her writing and pretty much everything she shares…she’s a super-talent. I love the podcast because the episodes are typically short 5-10 minute pieces; easy to listen to, a little daily inspiration, and always with a journal prompt at the end. Today’s journal prompt encouraged me to reflect on the last month, on changes that have taken place from last year, and what I’d like to learn for the coming month. I find it helpful when I’m in a rut to have these journal prompts.

So in reviewing my past journal entries, I found this poem from November 2020. I didn’t know just yet that we’d be moving hundreds of miles from where we’d been living the last 14 years. But I knew on a soul level that SOMETHING had to change, and that there would need to be radical changes in order to meet the next level of life that we longed for. As author Glennon Doyle would say…Let It Burn!

11/15/20 –
When it’s time to burn the journals
And sell everything you own
When your station in life gets stagnant
And the road calls you to roam
When the home that you’ve known
Starts to revolt, it’s time to bolt
Time to find a frequency as high as your soul

Who’s going to carry all of these things?
Who’s going to care about all of these things?
Collecting dust and turning to rust
Gathering trust to do what you must

We have to shed these attachments
And find more sturdy firmaments
Nothing is ever permanent
Life doesn’t have to be a constant tournament

Sell it all and simplify
I did it before at age 25
Nothing to lose and a will to thrive
It seemed so easy to rewrite a new life

Who will safe guard the images
Of an impermanent existence?
Why would I hold such resistance
Against time that is ever-persistent?

Are they even worth keeping if life is ever-fleeting?
The photos and words that track what we were thinking
Are mistakes just repeating until you find what soul is seeking?
Can we learn then burn our past to find a deeper meaning?